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Can ChatGPT write my business blogs posts?


Any business owner will tell you that, these days, a website is key to drawing in new customers and keeping the ones you have.

But what good is a website if it doesn’t have any content?

ChatGPT comes in, and every business owner starts wondering, can this write my ongoing content for my website?

Is ChatGPT-Generated Content Good for my Business Website

ChatGPT is a powerful technology that can be used to generate content quickly, easily and efficiently. It has the potential to be an effective tool for increasing your website’s SEO, as it can help you create quality content quickly. While it might not be suitable for all businesses or websites, for those who need to produce large volumes of content in a short amount of time, ChatGPT can be invaluable.

You read that right – POTENTIAL TO BE EFFECTIVE.

One of the people I often talk to about these things, Karl Craig-West, asked: “Google is so smart that it can detect if you’re trying to trick it SEO-wise, you think Google won’t be able to recognise AI-generated content?”

With some practice, you can use ChatGPT to eliminate the most time-consuming part of writing content – data gathering.

On a personal note, I can easily identify data that are written by AI, and it’s because I also use AI myself. I use ChatGPT sometimes, but mostly for content, I would use Jasper AI. But even with the level of accomplishment, Jasper gives me in terms of applying a certain tone of voice and being able to focus on keywords – when I read the content, I still feel like it’s AI.

By the way, I wrote this blog on Jasper AI – but I fine-tuned the information Jasper can quickly find for me (rather than I try to find it for the next 4 hours on my own) and personlised it.

AI saves me hours a day, but you can’t just grab what AI writing apps give you and post it directly.

I heard this from an Ad on Facebook, sorry, but I forgot what the Ad was about but the man there said and I quote, “AI won’t replace people, people using AI will replace people who don’t.”

If I can detect its AI-written content, then Google and other search engines can. If Google can detect its AI-written content, then the rest of the intelligent population can too. Of course, I’m not part of the development team of these applications, but I feel it’s always best to assume the worst, especially when it’s the visibility of my business on the line.

I’m not saying AI-generated content is bad, I’m only pointing out that you can use it in a way to save time on gathering information. However, you will still need to fine-tune this information to sound exactly like you and talk directly to your target audience.

Even if AI-generated content can’t be posted as is to your business blog, with the amount of work it takes off your shoulders covering the research and basic information you need – that should still help you constantly push out blog articles as you hoped, right?

Ultimately, harnessing the power of ChatGPT allows businesses to maintain an enjoyable, relatable brand image while utilizing cutting-edge technology to maximize search engine optimization efforts – with some tweaks here and there.

There’s no limit to what’s possible with AI and smart automation, so take advantage of it! If you already use AI-generated content and still can’t publish blogs on your schedule – well, based on the amount of AI Tools out there aside from ChatGPT – then I don’t think they’re the problem.

Get a virtual assistant who can do these things for you instead, harnessing the power of AI but adding back that human touch and fine-tuning the content for your audience.

Your Workforce Online is a team of expert virtual assistants, yes, we use AI as most does, but we use it to increase our productivity without diminishing the quality of our work.

We can also cover a lot of other processes in your business that can free you up to do more of the things you love rather than being stuck doing things you can easily find someone else to do. Download the Ultimate VA Task Checklist at the end of this blog to find out the tasks we normally take off our client’s shoulders, and it’s not limited there because we constantly learn from our interactions and upskill ourselves based on the needs of your business. I guess, in some way, we’re just like AI! Ever-evolving and ever-adapting! 😂

Or click here to book a free discovery call and learn how we can help you boost your business growth. It’s free so you don’t need to hesitate, and if you book a call from that link, we’ll be more than happy to offer your first 5 hours for free so you can test out how compatible we are working together. Talk soon!

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